Friday, August 18, 2006

Night Over Day (repost/edit)

Reposted from my Friendster blog

"Your soul don't go very far in the daylight 'cos it stops where you can see.... The nighttime is better. It stretches your soul right out to the stars. And a very long way. " (Anna)

"The daylight is for the brain and the senses. The darkness is for the heart and the wits." (Old Woody)

-excerpts from "Mister God, This Is Anna"

I share these very statements. The words that I could only feel about the night.... I don't feel the potential danger that lurks in the fold of darkness and discomfits the hearts of my parents.... what I do feel is a profound sense of being one with the world at this hour. There is something wonderful about daytime and daylight....but still there is something more enthralling to the night than could be fathomed....A hidden mystery, a spellbinding delight... An enchantment that is irresistible, but fades into quiescence when the sky softens into another day...

The night brings to life all mystical stories that would seem preposterous in daylight... Faeries, unicorns, hobbits, the fair elves of Rivendell, Harry Potter, magic, witchcraft, mermaids, princesses who dance into the night till they bore holes into their shoes... My imagination spins with these stories... And I am that starry-eyed child again... Pure, untainted, dreaming only of these mythical places and how I might go there... I long to stick my nose into a magic book again and not care about anything else...

Sad, how I had to strip off my shimmering fairy dress and stash away my wand...Sad how my pretty cottage by the enchanted woods had to be demolished, the woods flattened to barren dirt, to make way for this modern international empire called Growing Up... Only the night safekeeps the golden key to those fading memories... I am a night owl for a reason....I thrive under an endless canopy of stars, hoping to revel once more in that world that I so loved, beyond anything and everything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We don't ever really stash our wands or give up on our sweet adventures in the night. We dream from birth to death and dreaming has all kinds of wonderful purposes. Lucid dreaming provides us with a means to interpret these night experiences in ways that clarify where we are really at and whom we really are. I've been sharing my dragon dreams in my blog and would like to cordially invite you to join me in dream dialogue there.