Monday, December 27, 2004


songs played at random that make me reminded of him cannot be so random...

yet, beholding my current situation, i cannot anymore claim the right to feel this way for him.

my own actions have robbed me of what limited rights i had.
truly, rashness occasions undesirable consequence.

and now...

i shall have to learn to forget such a person.

impetuosity has a price. and hence, infatuation becomes a foolish concept to uphold in view of increasing the complexity of circumstances.

no. pragmatism will best be practiced at such an hour as this. along with self-control. and strict discipline. there is no more room for error.

i will see him when i see him, but i will not hope for such day. more harm than good comes with fanning the fires.

and so.

only memories i will take... his name shall remain only at the tip of my tongue, known but never uttered... and although my heart on him cannot close, it will not wait for his coming. and if dreams permit, i might see him still ...but only when i close my eyes.

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