Saturday, December 16, 2006

Heart or Limbic System or Whatever

Love is so blind, it feels right when it's wrong...

Knowing when something's wrong is fairly easy; it won't feel right. It's knowing if it's right that's somewhat tricky. 'Cause, you know, it might feel right even if it's wrong.

Or...well, I'm confused. Why would something wrong feel right? Cancer hurts because there's something wrong.

Okay, here it is. Right or wrong belongs in the logic department. Use your head to determine right from wrong, wrong from right. Never determine one from the other using your heart, or limbic system, whatever. Tends to confuse the unfortunate soul in such predicament.

And if it's a little too late 'cause you've already used your heart (or limbic system or whatever) to lose your way, use your head to find your way back. It's how the text message goes, and it makes sense.


Anonymous said...

correction - you DO want to use the logical limbic system - your post implies you do want to use it.

Use the limbic system if you want to make logical decisions

L said...

Really? I'm in the understanding that the limbic system is where the more primitive aspects of the human being is centered, like instincts and emotion. I did not think that it involved logical processes, but rather had more to do with emotions and pleasure, among others.