Wednesday, August 17, 2005


[would someone please kill the music! i'm sick of mymp blasting in
my ears. it's not enough to have the voice. you've also got to have
the talent for writing songs you can call your own. it's just a pity in
my book to become famous from singing other people's songs just
because of a syrupy voice. it also becomes VERY irritating after a
while. to mymp fans, tough luck. i'm feeling unapologetic right now.]

today, i'm looking through rose-colored glasses. i'm so pissed off,
i'm seeing RED. i'm fed up. just fed up. with everything, everyone.
what is so alluring about vanity that people go through pains
obliging it every day? EVERY day. they forsake friends, family, boyfriends,
girlfriends just to be thought as someone GRAND. gahd. i bet vanity
is at work behind the world's problems. vain people are selfish, too.
i see them the moment i step out of my room, when i step into school,
and most especially whenever i get to go to the malls. anywhere.
everywhere. it's overwhelming. and today i'm full up with all this bull's

call me crabby and cross. yeah, and you're self-absorbed.


sheicchi said...

ahem.. ahem... (1000x)


nothing... just pissing you off more... more... and... more...

sheicchi said...

mas labaw ka maldita!... ahahaha.....